Autoclave Repair and Sterilizer Maintenance Programs

The list of responsibilities for any lab leadership team may seem endless. Foremost on this list is to ensure the reliability of the lab’s instrumentation. After all, the quality of the science relies on dependable equipment and devices. Proper sterilization processes are a major factor in day-to-day maintenance, with significant impact on safety and compliance standards. Autoclave repair and sterilizer maintenance is vital to preserve the integrity of a laboratory’s scientific research and operations.

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The not-so-simple matter of compliance in the lab.

It may seem dubious to say that keeping several autoclaves in perfect working order can save an organization millions of dollars over time, but it’s true. Every laboratory must meet strict standards and parameters by several regulatory bodies, such as the FDA, CDC, and ISO. Failure to maintain these standards can have disastrous—and costly—consequences.

For example, contaminated samples and compromised safety for staff can result in a lab losing valuable time and resources. Not to mention, severe compliance issues may even cause closure of a department or lab. Since time is money, any of these outcomes equate to significant revenue loss. Prompt autoclave repair and regular sterilizer maintenance can help ensure that the sterilization cycles meet necessary temperature and pressure compliance designations.

Autoclave Repair Services Onsite

We also offer sterilization equipment sales.

If you need a replacement autoclave, our team can help! We have decades of combined experience outfitting labs with high-quality instrumentation. Our sales team is happy to discuss your lab’s needs with you so we can assemble a custom quote containing equipment from some of the top OEMs in the industry.

Full Spectrum Lab Services from CBRE also offers qualification (VP, IQ/OQ/PQ), calibration, and validation services.

Our certifications allow us to become an integral part of the lab’s technical team—we can build you a custom service contract, or offer billable services when you need them. Contact us for a quote today!

Sterilizer maintenance and prompt autoclave repair means NOT waiting until a bigger problem arises.

A routine preventative maintenance (PM) cycle for laboratory equipment is paramount to keep the science moving forward. Prevent costly repairs and unscheduled downtime by building strong business processes around instrumentation PM. In many cases, a third party like Full Spectrum Lab Services from CBRE can be the key to success. By delegating responsibilities to a reliable external organization, your lab can rest assured that critical components are inspected at regular intervals by equipment experts. Even attention to small components like heating elements, pressure gauges, seals, and gaskets can make a huge difference. A worn gasket can cause a steam leak, which could lead to an incomplete, unsafe sterilization process.

Maintenance Regulation

Regular sterilizer maintenance schedules should also include calibration of temperature and pressure settings for optimal performance. This process reduces the risk of sterilization failures and ensures compliance with the equipment OEM specifications.


Full Spectrum Group from CBRE also documents autoclave repairs and keeps detailed records of sterilizer maintenance. This logbook of activity can provide valuable insights into equipment performance over time.

Keep the scientific momentum moving forward.

No lab manager wants an experiment to halt, or a project to be delayed. A smoothly running autoclave is a huge advantage when it comes to maintaining the lab’s scientific momentum. That’s why it is vital to address autoclave repairs quickly, along with creating a solid, cyclical sterilizer maintenance program. Not only for compliance, but to keep a steady flow of experimentation and research results.

Another important designation that laboratory leadership teams strive for is a healthy culture, and a reputation that revolves around reliability. Successful labs don’t have frequent shut-downs and repeated instrument failures. In a very competitive industry, a profitable lab is a busy one. Reliability, expertise, strong processes, and robust compliance standards are necessary milestones.

Get Your Momentum Going


The importance of autoclave repair services and regular sterilizer maintenance is powerful. The impact of poor sterilization practices can be surprising. Full Spectrum Lab Services from CBRE can help laboratories avoid learning these lessons the hard way. Are you interested in talking to us about our autoclave repair and sterilizer maintenance plans? Contact us today to set up a meeting with an experienced equipment expert.

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The team at Full Spectrum Lab Services from CBRE is ready to answer your questions about instrumentation repair, laboratory consulting services, lab asset management, compliance, relocation & commissioning, and more. We look forward to hearing from you!


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