Cookie Notice – Automatic Data Collection

We use cookies and similar technologies on our Site and our cookie preference center allows you to restrict our use of cookies other than Required Cookies.

What is a Cookie

A cookie is a small text file that a website stores on your personal computer, telephone or any other device, with information about your navigation on that website. Cookies serve various purposes such as allowing you to navigate between pages efficiently, remembering your preferences, analyzing the use of our Site, generally improving the user experience, and ensuring that the advertisements you see online are more relevant to you and your interests. A cookie contains the name of the server it came from, the expiry of the cookie, a value – usually a randomly generated unique number as well as other data relating to your use of our Site. Depending on the applicable data protection law such information and data may qualify as personal information.

How We Use Cookies

We use session cookies, which are temporary cookies that are erased from your device’s memory when you close your Internet browser or turn your computer off, and persistent cookies, which are stored on your device until they expire, unless you delete them before that time. We group cookies on our site into three categories.

  • Required cookies: These cookies are necessary to enable the basic features of this Site to function, such as identifying you as a valid user, ensuring that no one else can sign on simultaneously with your account from another computer and helping us serve you better based on your registration preferences. These cookies may also be used to remember and honor your cookie preferences via our cookie preference center.
  • Functional cookies: These cookies allow us to analyze your use of the Site to evaluate and improve our performance. They may also be used to provide a better customer experience on this Site. For example, providing us information about how our Site is used and helping us facilitate any promotions or surveys that we provide.
  • Advertising cookies: These cookies may be used to share data with advertisers so that the ads you see on our Site or on third party websites are more relevant to you, allow you to share certain pages with social networks, or allow you to post comments on our Site.

Type of Cookies We Use

Details on the cookies used on our Site are provided in the cookie preference center available via the link “Cookie Preferences” on the button of our Site. Please click on “Detailed Settings” in the sections on functional cookies and advertising cookies.

Consent Requirements

Depending on the applicable data protection law, we may only place and use functional cookies and advertising cookies if you have given your consent via our cookie banner. Our cookie preference center on our Site allows you to make further choices and/or withdraw a consent regarding our use of cookies (with the exception of Required Cookies).

Performance Tracking via Similar Tracking Technologies

We sometimes use performance tracking technologies, such as web beacons, pixel and tags, within our marketing emails or within advertisements displayed on our Site or third party websites. These performance tracking technologies may be provided by us or by third parties and they help us to track whether an email recipient has completed an event, such as signing up for a free trial for example, or a user has clicked on advertisement. Further information on the performance tracking technologies used in our marketing emails and on our Site or third-party websites are available via the link “Cookie Preferences” on the button of our Site. Please click on “Detailed Settings” in the sections on functional cookies and advertising cookies.

Managing Your Cookie Preferences

Cookie Preference Center

Our cookie preference center on our Site allows you to make choices regarding our use of cookies (with the exception of Required Cookies). If you use our cookie preference center on a mobile device, we process your device’s advertising identifier to honor your choices via our cookie preference center. If you make choices in our cookie preference center for cookies (e.g., if you reject a certain cookie), persistent cookies will be set by the ad networks listed in our cookie preference center to honor your preferences.

If you clear your cookies in your browser settings, this will remove all cookies including the opt-out cookies set to honor your choices made in our cookie preference center. You will need to re-access the cookie preference center to reset your preferences. Additionally, if you are located in the EEA or Brazil, you will also be presented with the cookie banner on the Site to re-consent to cookies where required.

Do Not Track

We currently do not respond to “Do Not Track” signals from your browser. Our use of tracking technologies may instead be controlled through our cookie preference center.

Disabling and Preventing Further Use of Cookies

In addition to restricting cookies in our cookie preference center, you may restrict, block or delete the cookies from this Site at any time by changing the configuration of your browser. You can find out how to do this, and find more information on cookies, at In addition, while each browser has different settings and configurations, cookies settings can typically be adjusted in the “Preferences” or “Tools” menu of your browser. Your browser’s “Help” menu may provide additional information. Note, however, that deleting or blocking Required Cookies will cause the Site to not function properly.